Some of the lessons we learned in the Great Sequester are that Life goes on and we have to keep up with the changes. We are never a “victim of circumstances,” and there are always new directions that present themselves when the old familiar roads are “blocked.” In fact, the roadblocks are probably there for a good reason, and we are actually meant to proceed in a completely new way, and LIFE ITSELF is moving us to travel down an entirely New Road.
The Great Sequester has been full of New Roads for us. We created the Spirit Pantry for a Meaningful Life and this has given us a place where we can consolidate a lot of the various things we give, and enable our students, friends, and followers to receive our “gifts” in one place. They can “come to replenish” themselves, spiritually and psychically, in the Spirit Pantry.
This was one good thing that came out of the Great Sequester for us—it made us more creative. We had to “dig deeper” and ask ourselves, “What do we really have to give that will uplift and benefit us and others?” So the Spirit Pantry was one of those things.
The other major shift was to actually do some Online Courses live over ZOOM. We scheduled some of them and had some very successful results. We found we really loved this format. They were presented in eight, 1.5 hour Modules over the Weekend—2 Friday night, 3 starting at noon on Saturday, and 3 starting at noon on Sunday. The Loving Relationships Training and The Miracle Consciousness Training were very effective presented in this way. We did 3 Liberation Breathing Sessions over Zoom as well during these weekends.
This is what Cathy from the UK Said about the UK LRT over ZOOM:
Thank you so very much for an incredible weekend. Our lives will never be the same again. There was an enormous shift. Both Steve and I were struck by the power and joy of the work and by you two glorious people. Truth, Love, fun, generosity and excitement emanate from you. There are so many valuable truths and practical exercises that we can apply and tonight we are starting a gratitude journal, and ‘clearing’ together and have started forgiveness processes.

Go Here to Order:
This could be a life-changing book for you. Especially if you are already studying A Course in Miracles. The main premise of the book is that we all have the Christ Self, or our Higher-Self, or our “Inner Being” inside of us already. It is not a matter of self-improvement, but one of Self Awakening to what is already there. The Lessons given in A Course in Miracles are designed to awaken this God-created Self in us. Anyone can read it, even if you have not been a student of ACIM before. Order the book here:
Another little book we wrote recently is like a blessing you can carry around with you in your purse or personal sachel. It is called The Perfection of Babaji. It is an account of all my visitations from Babaji over the years after He took Samadhi in 1984. Like a meditation, almost, it will stretch your mind into the realm of new possibilities. Markus did the cover with a painting of Babaji in Denmark he did in Copenhagen, using the colors of the Danish flag: Red and White. You can order this book here:
Where we go from here is where we were always going, even before this Great Sequester. We are going up the ladder of our own psycho/spiritual evolution, our own “Ascension” as we would call that. We have looked at a lot of fears coming up at this time: What will we do in the future? What will the Unknown hold for us? How will we make it in these new times? Will we ever get over the racial and social prejudices that seem to still be running out there? Will we ever cease to use anger and violence in response to these problems in our world?
PEACE is POWER. This is what AMMA, our female teacher always said. Violence from either side of the conflict within is never a solution to the “problem” that only seems to be “outside.” Fundamental change is an internal matter and always has been. This is why we do the work of Liberation Breathing—and Self Introspection and Self-Responsibility. One Session of Liberation Breathing can unravel a lot of inner conflicts and bring a person to the Clarity of a New Direction. (See here: ) A New Road into the future is waiting for us to go down. The Great Sequester has automatically put us on that road. Let us all walk hand in hand down this road to Greater Happiness through the forgiveness of our past, and the unification of our souls that will set us all free.
Sondra & Markus