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Three workshops with Sondra Ray and Markus Ray in Copenhagen:

Thursday, June 27th, 17.00 to 22.00: A Course in Miracles as Your Fundament in Life.

Saturday, June 29th, 10.00 to 18.00: Spiritual healing.

Sunday, June 30th, 10.00 to 18.00: The Joy of Being.

Sondra Ray and Markus Ray practice what they teach. Their workshops with breathwork, ”Liberation Breathing,” are anchored  in their spiritual practice and studies of A Course In Miracles.

They convey the teachings and the energies from the spiritual masters Babaji, Ammachi and Jesus from A Course In Miracles, based on their deep and long lasting connection to these Masters. They call these three the “DREAM TEAM.” 

They have been teaching thousands of people all over the world for decades and written more than 30 books together or separately.

You will get their best knowledge about how to transform your life and to manifest the happiness, health, fullness and peace of mind that you want – and experience their Mantra Breathing, a deep opening breathing to powerful mantras.

Sondra and Markus say:

“We will give you a comprehensive set of suggestions for achieving a blissful life, combining spiritual practices and sound principles for inner transformation. Mantra Breathing can resolve personal issues, including birth trauma and past lives, and foster a commitment to self-discovery and healing.

We advocate a holistic approach to health, healing and happiness, having balance in our physical, mental, and emotional aspects of our Being.”

Price: Thursday: 1200,- kr., Saturday and  Sunday 1500 kr. Each. Reduction, if you attend more workshops.

Place: Marathonvej 14, 2300 København S.




+45 29883960 (on WhatsApp)