The theme of Thursday’s JULY 4th Mantra Breathing is
❖ You will be healed when you are ready to be healed. ❖ You will be ready to be healed when you believe you deserve it. ❖ You will believe you deserve it when you are ready to stop punishing yourself.
❖ You will stop punishing yourself when you give up guilt. ❖ You will give up guilt when you believe you are innocent. ❖ You will see you are innocent when you remember who you are. ❖ You will remember who you are when you stop making up the ego. ❖ You will stop making up the ego when you want bliss and peace more than anything else. ❖ You will want bliss and peace when you are sick of being sick and when you see what a waste of time it is to be in hell.
The choice is yours. (One teacher said you must want liberation as much as a drowning person wants air.)
Permanent healing means going back to who and what you really are. It is easy and natural; the only reason it seems hard is because you must let go of addictions—addictions to thoughts that cause conditions of illness.
It seems hard to give up addictions because you think they control you and that you are not in control of them. In my opinion, an addiction to a way of thinking is a stubborn refusal to give up a thought causing your condition. When you face your stubbornness and refusal as being something you choose, you know you can choose otherwise. In this choice is the end of suffering.
Come and Breathe with us to powerful Mantras from Babaji’s Lineage. He is the “Bestower of the Highest Joy.” We guarantee you will feel better than ever from this group Mantra Breathing Session with us and the Holy Masters. Come connect with Babaji, the “Bestower of the Highest Joy.”
Sondra Ray is the “mother of rebirthing” who discovered along with Leonard Orr that our Breath is a great healing Source. It can bring in Divine Energy to our system to balance our whole being of MIND/BODY/SPIRIT.
Other discoveries have been revealed to her over the years—how to invoke the Divine Mother and other Divine Forces and Mantras to aid us in this healing process.
JOIN Sondra & Markus Ray for MANTRA BREATHING on SEPTEMBER 23rd for this journey into deep healing.
Frequently we are offering this Mantra Breathing to those in our worldwide network, and Quests. You may like to attend, and encourage a friend to attend. MANTRA BREATHING® sessions include a talk, and a 1 hour breathe to very powerful sacred mantras. There is sharing after the breathe. It is super important that we stick together now and support each other.
MANTRA BREATHING® is offered to anyone interested in the power of breathwork. It is also offered to practicing rebirthers, body workers, psychologists, sacred plant facilitators, shamans, and healers.