The New Loving Relationships Training® – THE NEW LRT®
“Your bridge to miracles” for conflict free, holy relationships is a shift in your own consciousness!

Do you want a transformation in your intimate relationships?

Do you find yourself wanting:


Most people do, but experience the same old patterns being stuck year after year. It is not necessary to stay stuck in any relationship pattern. There are solutions that actually work to transform your intimacy with a mate.

I used to be stuck myself in those patterns and now I have a holy relationship, a marriage of my dreams. So if I can have the miracle, so can anyone. The New Loving Relationships Training will save you decades of time on this subject. Why go through trial and error over and over?

You can also have an individual private Liberation Breathing® Session with us in person or over SKYPE. You can literally unwire the miswiring of your mind on this subject through a Liberation Breathing® Session and have a miracle. I have seen this work over and over.

Yes a miracle takes a shift in consciousness but this is possible for you any time you are ready…
Love, Sondra

Do you want more clarity and ease in your relationships? Consider joining us for The New Loving Relationships Training:

A 3 Day Training created and presented by Sondra Ray in the New Frequency of Spiritual Intimacy with Markus Ray, the twin flame

“The LRT can save you decades of time in getting clear on your relationships and life.”
Sondra Ray

Below is a short summary of the essential offerings of the New Loving Relationships Training™ created by Sondra Ray, containing practical processes for deeper understanding of relationships in our lives; what makes them work and not work; what are the patterns we need to understand to free ourselves from common problems we experience in relationships?…. and ultimately what are the Spiritual practices available to aid us to achieve perfection in the relationships we are in now? What will awaken us to realize our Higher Self? This summary describes…

The New Loving Relationships Training® – The NEW LRT®
Discover Spiritual Intimacy in Your Relationships with Sondra Ray & Markus Ray


The LRT has been revamped for these times. Have you noticed things are moving very fast, and we have to keep up with the pace by the power of our ability to forgive and move on? We don’t have the time we had twenty years ago to wallow in the dysfunction of relationships. Sondra has given us the tools to move beyond dysfunction into the light of understanding, and into the real possibility of Loving Relationships that is our natural state, into the CONFLICT FREE ZONE, a place that offers peace and joy in all areas of our life. The New Loving Relationships Training™offers this very real possibility.

As major practitioner and voice for the Rebirthing modality, founded in the early 1970’s, Sondra Ray has dedicated her life to passionately advance conscious connected breathing as a rapid means of healing mind and body. She is an author and teacher worldwide, with her books published in various languages. She has now placed her practice of Rebirthing under the guidance of the Divine Mother in the form of Liberation Breathing®. This new expression of the breathing process of Rebirthing introduces prayers to the Divine Mother into the session, and is nine times more powerful than the original process [according to the Divine Mother Herself].

As the backbone of the New LRT™, Liberation Breathing® is offered to the participants to help them integrate the material taught in the class. It aids them in releasing the negative family patterns and personal thought complexes of self sabotage which the New LRT™seeks to identify, dissolve and remove. Through a series of lectures and one-to-one processes, the New LRT™helps people get in touch with the thoughts inherited from their past, their family and society that are influencing the results of their present. Three sessions of Liberation Breathing® are offered in the three day weekend training to help people liberate themselves from their own debilitating and limited thinking.

The New LRT™,as well, introduces the importance to have a conscious spiritual life. Beyond presenting the very necessary psychology that makes relationships work or not work, the New LRT™introduces – in addition to Liberation Breathing®, A Course in Miracles, the Hawaiian Forgiveness process of Ho’Oponopono, Ascension and Physical Immortality, India Quest, Babaji, the Divine Mother, and the necessity of maintaining a daily spiritual practice – a worldwide oeuvre of seminars, retreats and workshops that keep the participants connected to a broader spiritual community of support and global university for inner awakening and evolution.

One recent participant of the trainings offered this to say about her Liberation Breathing® experience:
“…My body filled with the most extraordinary light and energy and power. It was pure bliss. I was unable to stop the undulations in my body. As you were reading the 108 names of The Divine Mother, Babaji filled me with the energy of pure joy. I felt like a chubby Buddha. I laughed with the mirth of the universe in knowing truly that there is no separation, that we are all God’s energy, that it is hilarious to think anything other than the truth. It was so funny. I was laughing throughout all time and space.

Then when we turned on our sides and you chanted the mantra, I began shaking with Shakti energy again….During the worship service to the Divine Mother I felt very much at peace. In the meditation afterwards, I had a vision the Divine Mother took me as a baby into her arms and breastfed me. So thank you again. You have truly taught me to trust, love and live.”
– DJ, Perth, Australia

A basic outline of the New LRT™is as Follows:


  • Invocation to the Divine Mother
  • Introductions
  • Relationship Status
  • How the Mind Works
  • Creative Thought
  • Birth and Relationships
  • Personal Lies
  • Liberation Breathing® Session #1


  • Sharing
  • The 14 Family Patterns of the LRT
  • Clearing Anger
  • Clearing Relationships with Parents
  • Clearing Relationships with Siblings
  • Clearing Relationships with Sex
  • Clearing Relationships with Career and Money
  • Liberation Breathing® Session #2


  • Group Sharing
  • Spiritual Healing
  • Clearing Relationship with God
  • Intro to A Course In Miracles
  • India Quest
  • Babaji and the Divine Mother
  • Effective Communication
  • Liberation Breathing® Session #3
  • Benediction to the Divine Mother; (ROSE PETAL PUJA- Celebration)

These two dynamic teachers invite you to seize the day, even if you have already taken an LRT years ago, of this unique opportunity to go deeply into your own spiritual journey and process. The frequency has changed and the pace is quickening. The New LRT™ is presented in the energy of a holy relationship between Sondra Ray and her twin flame and husband, Markus Ray. You have an opportunity here to get very close to the spiritual wisdom of Sondra and Markus, to which they have given their attention for over a combined 60 years. They invite you to join them together in looking at the deeper meaning and purpose of our existence, through the exploration of what it really means to invite Loving Relationships into your life, beyond the potential of the ones you have already realized.

They invite you to look closely at the family patterns you inherited that are subconsciously running your life.

They invite you to be liberated from anger and the specific negative thoughts in your mind that are holding you back from advancement.

They invite you to experience the healing power of your own breath through Liberation Breathing®.

They invite you to explore with them the profound teachings of A Course in Miracles, what Tara Singh referred to as “the greatest spiritual gift to come out of America.”

They invite you into the mystical world of the India Quest, and the direct experiences shared by Sondra of Babaji, the Immortal Yogi-Christ of India spoken about in Autobiography of a Yogi by Yogananda.

And most of all –

They invite you to experience the Power of the Divine Mother in your life to give you the peace, the joy, and the happiness that is your inheritance, and the possibility of Physical Immortality.