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➜ Make contact with Spiritual Mastery ! 

➜ Bust out of your old routines!

➜ Tap into the Spiritual Traditions of India. 

➜ Make deeper connections with your Breath.

➜ Give your soul an infusion of Divine Grace. 

➜ Have encounters with like-minded People.

➜ Have breakthroughs in your Life Purpose. 

Dates: MARCH 26th to APRIL 10th, 2025
New Delhi, & Uttar Pradesh, Babaji’s Ashram, India

We welcome you on the INDIA QUEST 2025 with SONDRA RAY & MARKUS RAY

A Babaji/ Divine Mother/ Liberation Breathing® Intensive Retreat

To the Divine Mother Festival (Navaratri) at the Ashram of Sri Haidakhan Babaji, Immortal Yogi Christ of INDIA.

Receive Guidance from  Sondra Ray, the “Mother of Rebirthing / Breathwork”

♥ Practice Liberation Breathing Daily (IN A GROUP SETTING)

♥ Discover a Deep Connection with Your Self

♥ Immerse Yourself in Indian Culture

♥ Have Real Communication

♥ Have Spiritual Intimacy

India Quest 2025 Begins at 12 noon at the LaLit Hotel in New Delhi; ends at 12 Noon at the LaLit Hotel in New Delhi.


♦ All accommodations (Hotel accommodations DOUBLE OCCUPANCY)

Breakfasts are included for the 3 nights at the LaLit, and 2 nights in Haldwani.

Lunch included on the 2 trips from New Delhi to Haldwani and back, and when we first arrive in the ashram. ORIENTATION DINNER at the LaLit on the 27th is included. 2 Haldwani dinners included.

♦ The ASHRAM serves one big meal per day (eat as much as you want). (Chi shops at the ashram serve food in off hours but this cost is your responsibility.)

All Lectures, Group Rebirthing Sessions,  Consultations, and Meetings and Training with Sondra Ray & Markus Ray are included in the tuition. 

All NAVARATRI PROGRAMS at the ashram are included. 

ALL INDIA QUEST Special Gatherings in the ASRAM included. 

Though we do not offer private Breathwork Sessions to participants during the India Quest, we are always available for consultations and meeting participants individually as needed. 

The Daily ashram schedule looks something like this: 4AM Rise and Bathe in the River; 5AM Receive Chundun (Sandalwood paste on forehead); 6:30 Group Meeting; 7AM Aarti (chant in the temple); 8-10:30AM Various Ceremonies and Divine Mother Pujas in the temple; 11:00AM Fire Ceremony; 12:30PM BANDARA (lunch) Afternoon R&R and Bath; 4:00 Meeting and GROUP BREATHWORK SESSIONS; 7PM Aarti in temple; 9PM BED.

Also, there are special Ceremonies that pre-empt this regular schedule—Guest speakers; Head Shaving ceremonies; Meditation in Babaji’s Cave; Ceremony for Ancestors; Visiting Babaji’s Receiving rooms; Hike up Mount Kailash, etc. 

To hold your place, register below and make your DEPOSIT of $1250 (non-refundable/ non-transferable)



Total Costs:

EARLY REGISTRATION PRICES  before midnight of FEBRUARY 15 , 2025

Early Registration Price SINGLE: $3250 USD

Early Registration Price COUPLE: $5750 USD for 2

Early Registration Price REVIEWER: $2500 USD

REGULAR LIST PRICES after midnight of FEBRUARY 15, 2025

Regular List Price SINGLE: $3750 USD

Regular List Price COUPLE: $6750 USD for 2

Reviewer List Price REVIEWER: $2750 USD

NEW PARTICIPANTS who have not had a Private One-to-One Session with us: you must book a private Liberation Breathing Sessions with us here before INDIA QUEST 2025. ($375 as a “returning client.”) bit.ly/LBSession


The numbers below include tickets for this event already in your cart. Clicking "Get Tickets" will allow you to edit any existing attendee information as well as change ticket quantities.
DEPOSIT INDIA QUEST 2025 (Non-Refundable)
This NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT reserves your place on the India Quest 2025, and locks in your Early Reg price of $3250 USD if made before midnight of FEB 15, 2025; Registration after FEB 15, the list price for IQ 2025 goes into effect ($3750)
$ 1,250.00
INDIA QUEST 2025 REVIEWER: Early (Non-Refundable)
FULL PRICE for REVIEWER until FEB 15, 2025; after FEB 15 price goes up to $2750; NON-REFUNDABLE
$ 2,500.00
INDIA QUEST 2025 (Earlybird until FEB 15, 2025))
REGISTRATION BEFORE FEB 15, 2025; Full Price for EARLYBIRD. $1250 non-refundable; Full amount non-refundable after MARCH 1, 2025
$ 3,250.00
INDIA QUEST 2025 (Full Price after FEB 15, 2025)
FULL PAYMENT REQUIRED after FEB 15, 2025 $1250 Non-Refundable; Full amount non-refundable after MARCH 1.
$ 3,750.00