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Internationally Celebrated Breathwork

Master Teachers and Authors

Sondra Ray & Markus Ray

A Three-Day Healing Breathwork Experience

Immersed in the Divine Mother Energy

Live over ZOOM

OCTOBER 25-27, 2022   11AM – 3PM

OCTOBER 25th – 27th from  11AM – 3PM USA; EDT  Washington DC

OCTOBER 25th & 27th 5PM – 9PM Central EU, Copenhagen DK

OCTOBER 25th & 27th 7PM – 11PM UAE, Dubai & Abu Dabi

Join us for two days of Breathwork and healing experience with Sondra Ray, the world’s foremost female expert and pioneer in the field of breathwork, and leader of the worldwide Divine Mother movement of “Liberation Breathing.” Experience how your consciously connected breathing can help you heal, and clear out the memories of past beliefs , stress and anxiety. Learn how to use the Divine Mother Energy to access Pure Joy these challenging times. Presented & recorded live in six 1.5 hours MODULES over ZOOM.

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